A New Moon in Scorpio

Let’s start from the simplest part of what this New Moon is bringing us… because aye caramba… there’s a lot involved!

New Moons Offer New Beginnings.

They are a time to set intentions and to start fresh with a brand new moon cycle. It’s referred to as a “dark night” because the Moon is sandwiched between the Earth and the Sun. The shadow of the moon faces the Earth. Let’s dive right into that word: shadow. (bet you saw that one comin’!)

Scorpios have made a promise to go deep this lifetime, to dive into their shadows and find healing through the pain; to do the deep and inner work from trauma they’ve experienced. It’s a great lesson we should all take from this phenomenal energy of the zodiac. Imagine a phoenix rising from the ashes - that’s the transformative power Scorpio holds. And we are all being asked to step into this energy.

In order to rise, one must step into the pain that once held them back and witness how far they’ve come.

Scorpio is the most intense, direct and “fiery” of the water signs. My suggestion to you is to check out where you have Scorpio in your birth chart and where the planet Pluto is (and what planets Pluto is communicating with). Look to the house as well. These symbols will look like this in your birth chart.


Alright, so let’s talk highest and lowest potentials of Scorpio energy, then dive into the quick specifics of this New Moon in Scorpio.

Scorpio at its highest potential is constantly surrendering and embracing the power of transformation. They listen to their body (because unaddressed issues and lack of boundaries will literally manifest through the physical body bringing on major issues), they protect their energy and they root into their magic (ever met someone who literally can just see right through the bullshit? I bet they have heavy Scorpio energy in their birth chart). They call it like it is, they can see right through lies and they hold this power with great integrity knowing that their gift of transformation this lifetime can be shared through them to the collective if held with great integrity and care. They root into their intensity for the highest good of themselves and others. They take space for themselves and share only what needs to be shared as they honor their privacy and the privacy of others understanding that true healing can take place when alone and working through their shit. Ever met therapists who have the best boundaries EVER? It brings a comfort to your healing journey. Scorpios are true healers and understand the promise they’ve made this lifetime: to surrender, to transform and to work through the karma of their lineage, no matter how painful it is. They understand that others can’t fix it for them - that the rebirth and transformation lives within and must come from within.

Lowest potential of Scorpio is not understanding how to use their power and constantly manipulating & striking others when feeling vulnerable because they don’t want to be the only one feeling what they’re feeling (literally envision the stinger of a scorpion - that’s what I mean by strike). It’s constantly seeking comfort from the other (as Scorpio is one of the most co-dependent signs of the zodiac) and not wanting to sit in the pain or do the work. It can be addictive looking to substances to fix or numb the pain and it can be controlling. When the pain of the past (or heck, present) isn’t addressed, it will be displayed physically through the body. It relies on others for money instead of rooting into their own power to bring abundance.

Let’s get into the specifics of this New Moon now. It packs quite the sting with 3 planets sitting in this Scorpio energy all opposite the planet Uranus. Uranus is the planet of rebellion, awakening, disruption and electric currents. So, envision that - an electric current going through intense ocean waves. Not totally comfortable. Don’t drown and don’t get lost in the constant pulse through the current. Instead ask yourself these questions: Where do you need to raise the frequency to literally filter out and cleanse your old wounds? Where do you need to bring discipline into your life (because you guys… Saturn is in the mix with this energy too) to bring some edges to your boundaries, where are you holding yourself back to step into your true power? It’s a new beginning.

It’s tons of water and air in the cosmos during this time. Use it to the best of your ability and put words to your emotions, connect your mental thoughts to your heart energy.

My teacher always says, “P stands for POWER.” So, how will you use yours? My suggestion - be alone, hold your boundaries, allow tears to cleanse, and surrender to a new beginning. Live by your intention - I bet whatever yours is holds the root system to your mission this lifetime.

You’ll find it deep… within the passion of your heart.


New Moon in Capricorn: Set Intentions for Success (December 30th, 2024)


The Full Moon in Aries